
I walked in stealthily... tip toed into your life.. your thoughts... your mind.. and now you cannot think beyond me.. live without me...

They call me doubt.. I call it insecurity..


  1. All of insecurity is nothing more than a half-baked doubt.

    Doubt thrives on/in silence. All that needs to be done is breaking it.

    @your comment on 'stolen' -
    That is the paradoxical beauty of time, that for every beautiful, brand new moment that dissolves into your presence, there are many more beautiful ones being stolen in your absence.

    Maybe it is our passivity, or a testament to its undeniably seductive beauty, that we silently endure this furtive theft of memory, this one dimensionality of time.

  2. Sometimes saying things too loudly is as bad as staying mum on an issue...
    I guess the debate of doubt & insecurity is like the chicken & the egg problem...

  3. 'Sometimes'. That's the key. The challenge lies in identifying the 'times' that constitute those 'sometimes'.

  4. @ dheeraj: very true, but in case of being unable to identify the situation.. I'd rather give it the benifit of doubt ;)


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