Life's Ways 2

Our life is a summation of the many relationships we create and then forge as per our liking... and they are THE reason most of us enjoy living our lives.

But in each phase, we give importance to a different relationship..
our parents are our lives when we are young... we move on to school and friends move into our lives... their relative importance increasing as we move towards adolescence and adulthood... and so at each stage, we have different people by whom we get gravitated....
and its all good, because each of these relationships come of age, and we outgrow them when the time comes...

What I'm trying to say, everything has a time, purpose, reason, season... and so does every relationship....

Or am I just looking for a reason to sever my ties with people !!

मे मरासिम बनते है , लम्हों मे भला क्या टूटेंगे
तू मुझ से बिचादना चाहे तो , दीवार उठा धीरे धीरे
~ ललित कॉल


  1. What you are talking about are the acquaintances one makes during the journey called life.

    Most of the relationships one makes in his/her life are severed not by purpose, but by chance and time.

    The concepts like Childhood friends etc wouldn't have existed otherwise.

    People enjoy life because it has so much to offer not take away :)

  2. M not refering to the one person you decide to share your life with..
    I am talking about the other 20 - 30 people who made the difference in your life, but at different points in time...

    There is always someone.. some friend.. some relation... but the face keeps changing...

  3. To me, nothing leaves you in life. Every relationship you think might have frittered away with time, has had its impact on you, and will stay alive that way forever with you. I believe that, no matter how trivial some encounters in life may have been, we wouldn't be what we are today if it wasn't for those.

    People in our life are like threads in the texture of a cloth. Some stand out in various colours but that doesn't make the others any less valuable, the texture wouldn't be what it is without any of those.


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