Battle between the Right & the Wrong

The battle between The Right & The Wrong (not The Left !!) is not something new...
Questions keep popping up in our head..
Here's my two pence to the debate...
Who decides what is right.. the majority ?!??
Is there any common guiding principle ?
And if not, then doesn't it all boil down to what you think is right, and what you think is not...
Who is anyone to judge you and your thoughts.. one can only give their opinions...
Just the way I am :)


  1. I wish you answer your exams following this thought process and then decide ;)

  2. This is exactly the way it is judged.. the difference is that its not our opinion but the faculty's which counts ;)

  3. There is nothing right or nothing wrong in this world. All there is, is a single way of looking at things, that of the eyes of the viewer. This human obsession to try to 'classify' brings us this problem of dichotomy, to place things either this way or the other but not anywhere else. I believe placing them anywhere else is jut as worthwhile as placing them in the 'right' section or in the 'wrong' one. Keep questioning. :)

    [And, thanks for the comment on my blog. :) ]

  4. Any subject will have 2 views...

    My view & the wrong view


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