Another Arbid thought

Sannata Sunai Nahin Deta, 
Aur Hawayen Dikhayi Nahin Deti
Socha Hai Kya Kabhi, Hota Hai Yeh Kyun..

These are the lyrics of a song from Rock On!
What caught my attention is actually what the lyricist is trying to point out..

It rings a bell when he says that we try and give a name to everything.. even things we cannot see..


  1. This is my fav from that movie...this song is about the things that we dont bother and think abt and taken for granted...
    oh btw am really happy with his movie...not only are the performances nice but the film didnt dissapoint rock music lovers...i was apprehensive at first bcoz i wasnt sure how they would handle 'em but quite a good job i must say!

  2. *take for granted
    damn typos! :P

  3. how'r you dwiti? Saw you on the list of "followers" and thought I'd say hello.


  4. yeah that and putting stuff in categories...we just can't let stuff be sometimes...

  5. Oh wow! You are right, though I would have listened to this song so many times but never thought it from this angle :-)


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