
What is beauty..
is it what is visible , or is it something deeper than just skin.. or should i say face value..
in which case, how much should one understand and take as face value..

But then if what is important is what lies deep inside , then what is love at first sight... is it a reality..
isnt love at first sight simply a direct reaction to someone's external appearance?

Quote for the entry :)

“No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly.”
~ Oscar Wilde


  1. i know... but in most cases.. i ve seen , poeple tend to get drawn due to the physical might be at a later stage people tend to look beyond the looks

  2. Beauty in mind, not in physical appearence. Even if you are not beautiful, i will love you if u have a very good mind.

    Physically Aiswarya may be the beautiful female, but I think Mother Teresa is the most beautiful lady.

  3. Mr D..i totally agree with you.. but we generally come to such conclusions post introspection..
    Initially , what seems to matter is appearance..

  4. Beauty if not what you see, but what you perceive, what you feel. What you perceive or feel in your heart when you see something is what defines you. It illuminates the deepest desires of the soul, and I believe the viewer finds beauty in whatever speaks to those desires of his.

    Whichever way he finds beauty, I'd agree with him, because that's the beauty of beauty, it speaks to the heart, whichever form it takes.

  5. Its a very idealistic way of thinking about it...
    but beauty more often than not is what meets your eyes first :)

  6. And whatever meets your eyes first, it is what slowly percolates into your heart with time, the residue of that momentary emotion, that defines beauty for most of us. If the first impression of a beauty is a facade itself, it doesn't last long, and fades away soon enough. And if it does indeed have a deeper basis than that, that is what will remain. :)

  7. Yes..
    I guess the memory remains :)


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