Ode to a Teacher

Maybe i should have actually said this to you when you were around to hear me...
Sir ,
Even though you never believed in the conventional style of teaching, you've taught me more than most.... Your attitude towards life , the way you handled people... these are things from which i've learnt a lot.
But most importantly , your belief that an exam is not to show others your capability , but just for your own satisfaction...

Hoping that wherever you are , you take pride in what you see....

Quote for the blog
“The mediocre teacher tells.

The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.”


  1. i liked d las line dat said examz r not 2 show our capability but jus 4 our satisfaction.....i alwaz believe in dat....no matter if u get 90% or 60%.....after ur resultz u shudnt b like "i wish i had done dat chap....i wud have scored more....."if u have dat 2 say then even gettin 90 is not cool....else even in 60 ur on cloud#9.....:D......-swoosh


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