Rain :)

The air is like a butterfly
With frail blue wings.
The happy earth looks at the sky
And sings.
~ Joyce Kilmer

With such beautiful weather outside, i couldn't find words more apt to describe my mood.

Its been raining since afternoon.. the slight rain, a little more than drizzle.. the patter on the roof.. the intoxicating smell of the "happy" earth.. the wet, green leaves , looking fresh as if they're dancing with joy..
Getting wet in the rain .. feeling the wetness on your skin.. and finally feeling numb because of the cold - numb to everything else around you except the only thing you can feel... the rain .


  1. :((....u remindin me of ma dayz bac in India....i used 2 like get wet in d rainz....i alwaz carried a windsheeter but never wore it....:))....damn i remember gettin wet n i was so much in dis grove dat almost was dancin wid joy....i loved heavy rainz....dint like drizzle dat much....when it used 2 rain i used 2 take ma bike n off i used 2 go....man i miss ma friendz n all...in NY i dont feel like gettin wet in d rain....u kno wat....i proposed ma girl in d rain bac in India....;) - swoosh

  2. i feel the same...the rains are actually fun !

  3. rain reminds me of tht one special person


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