
I suddenly felt this urge to express my feeling on the subject after I saw a movie (read Rang De Basanti)…

I quite agree with what the director has to say…
Its not about criticising the system, but trying to correct the system, by becoming a part of it.
If we don’t want to be a part of it , we have no right to criticise it.
If we don’t have the courage to stand up to the injustice we face, we have no right to crib about it.

And I use WE here because this is not just about me or you ...but all of us… all of us who have a problem identifying with our country, our political system..

Its easier to stand outside and simply comment,but it requires courage to try and do something about it.
I don't suggest what the actors in the movie did..thats an impractical solution. But if we stand up for our rights , for what we think is correct..that itself should be a sufficient beginning.
We need to stop looking for the easier way out of every situation, and instead think of the correct way. Even what i am saying might sound idealistic, but this is the most effective way of bringing about a change in ourselves and hence our surroundings.

Patriotism is not just about saluting the flag, or standing in attention when the national anthem is being sung.. its about taking an interest in the way the country is, and making efforts to make your home a better place.


  1. cant help it dwiti....u jus cant change many will u many will b ready 2 many will do it many will have no regretz.....v have been livin in such a system since 59 yrz now....n will live till d rest of eternity.....i liked d movie jus coz it reminded me of ma dayz bac in india wid ma palz....i kno am criticizin but hey dis is not bout courage......itz all bout sacrifice.....i dont even think majority of the people stand up durin d national anthem....y do u think national anthem was not allowed 2 b played in theatrez on d radio......coz people jus wont stand up.....2day if some1 does somthin good 4 d nation he is PAST....n no1 rememberz him....ADJUST i think is d many will become ministerz n remove many will not b tempted when they c many will stay true....not even 1....coz if some1 tries 2.....he is overuled by d majority.....datz y itz called POLITICZ.....after all itz us 2 elect them.....but if all applez r bad n u have 2 choose 1......i dont think u at,swoosh,

  2. hey, i see the filmmaker has served his purpose. gud to see youngsters on track! and maybe, just by blogging abt it, we are making some efforct unconsciouly...

  3. hey thanx 4 blog rollin me......-swoosh

  4. Hey Swoosh ..
    Your kind of reaction is what most people give.What i was trying to say is that just dont be a passive bystander,be active. DOnt just advocate change , be a part of it.
    It might sound idealistic , but thats the only way to change.

  5. hey v aint talkin bout changin a person or 2....v talkin bout changin a billion people....not even a single person in india is self-abnegatin....not a single person observez clenliness.....v dont have 2 change them.....jus changin their mentality wud solve d do they bcome clean after comin here......coz they have taken india 4 granted.....rulez n regulationz.....poverty....umemployment.....r d thigz dat have 2 b reduced.....v not thinkin 2day or 2morrow....v thinkin bout 20 yrz from now.....mayb even more......long n tedious process.....hope 4 d best.....fingerz

  6. well , any change is slow.
    Start with yourself. Set an example... Thats what i believe in doing.

  7. yeah im mint n no soda in d past 3 weekz.....damn big change.....lolz.....btw if i set an xample i wont b swoosh....i wud b LATE swoosh.....dont wanna b dat dwitz....wat say....handsome guy-22 yrz old-NY-chicz....-LIFE....dont wanna miss all dis....;)....-swoosh


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