Blissful Matrimony ?!?

Is marriage the only thing of importance in life..
In every decision i am making... i am constantly reminded by people around me , in more ways than one, that marriage is the only ultimate goal i should keep in mind..


  1. hi dwiti..

    it may sound a bit conservative.. but how much over we indians blurt out about being a developing nation, the social mindset is still reeling atleast 50 years behind time..

    so it should not come as a surprise when people keep reminding a girl that her ultimate destiny is marraige..
    and lets accept it.. all these women of liberal thoughts ((as they prefer to call themselves these days..)) how many of them actually live the same lives as they lived prior to their marriages..

    world does change with a marriage for a woman in india.. and well lets at least for now embrace it..

    ((said it all with a risk of sounding a lot conservative.. but this is the truth that lies at the bottom of it all,, aint it..??))


  2. Marriage is not the only but the one of the most important turning point in ones life.... in your case it was reminded as a goal... i feel every young girl keep it in her mind whenever she talks to any guy very personally.... girls are a lot more smarter ..its my feeling.. someone to listen...someone to share....something stable ...something progressive.... something you call ultimate expression of love .. all directly or indirecly leads to marriage... you may or may not change but life defenitely gets changed after marriage... your well whishers just remind u.. be careful... life to too short to enjoy and that if 2/3 is married life... include it as a whole in the party..

  3. Even i believe in the relationship called marriage..more so because i admire the bond shared by my parents... it doesnt exactly stem from same choices or dreams but an understanding.
    But what i am unable to understand is the comprimise i am supposed to make, already , when i'm no where close to marriage ..

  4. Well the fact is that the day u get married you will be constantly reminded by the same people that having kids is the ultimate goal that you should keep in mind...
    but the onus is on you...its all upto you i guess and in the end it all boils down to you persuing to goals that YOU set up for yourself..
    btw,nice blog you got here

  5. @ razorhead

    I agree.. the decision is finally one's own.. but the continuous pestering doesn't help :)


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