
Showing posts from August, 2024

The lesson called Life

All of us go through different phases in life. If we really pay attention, each phase is meant to teach us something ... for us to grasp some important nuance of life that we have been missing.  So whether we are ecstatic or down in the dumps, the only consistent thread that binds it all is that there is a reason for the moment to occur in our lives. Oh, I am not a proponent of fate/destiny. But I do strongly believe that we reap as we sow. So when you cast a thought (even in your head), try and step out of your situation and try to gauge the overall impact.... So what is this moment trying to tell me ?

Care full or less ?

Being a woman is tough.... and I don't mean it in a rudimentary way of a menstural cycle and pregnancy and post partem. I mean the more obvious way of having to deal with a roving eye. I have been raised to be an independent, and (almost!) self sufficient person who can take care of herself come hell or high water ! In all these years in the corporate world an trying to make the workplace a more inclusive place, there is a sixth sense which kicks in when I interact with some people.... and THAT is the one thing that keeps me on my toes ! Am I over-reacting in thinking like this... afterall 21% percent of the workforce comprises of women. We might not be a majority, but it isn't a negligible statistic.  Then what is it that makes the mind cringe on those odd occasions ?  Staying away is not the solution, neither is being overly cautious about it.  What is the solution ? Besides relying on the sixth sense, which suddenly just steps up in sticky situation :)