Votes for Money or Money for Votes

I wonder what an election is meant to prove... Is it proof of someone's popularity or is it just a measure of the money dispensed or power politics...

If they are trying to be the public leader, I often wonder why they need all the bungling... 
I can understand the slogans and trying to get people to believe what one is doing.. but the attempt to earn through corrupt means, inorder to finally bribe someone to get their votes beats me...

It is actually a vicious circle.. the attempt to get votes through money... and earning money beyond their means from the public.... 
It is not about who blinks first, but who makes the first move.. who makes the first move of not taking the money... politicians from the public or public from the politicians....

Someone needs to make a move to break the entire cycle...
Votes for Money & Money for Votes !


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