
Good wishes and Blessings

Some would call me selfish...   But somehow, I associate great value to the blessings we get... At the end of the day, it isn't the food we eat or the air we breathe that keeps us going, it is the good wishes and blessings we get... earn... deserve that take us through the day, and life in general. So if I see my grandmother waving her hand, I ensure it firmly lands on my head :)


A wise person once said.. "Just because my eyes don't show tears, doesn't mean I don't get hurt... Just because I come our strong, doesn't mean that nothing went wrong... I often choose to pretend to be happy, so that I don't need to explain to people who will never understand... Smiling has always been easier than explaining why I am sad...." This is so true.... 


We often put ourselves through so much pain, both physical and mental, which we face firmly, without loosing our mind, unscathed... despite the pain, we don't leave teary eyed... And then there are days, when all it takes is a tumble, and the eyes just let go... It's like the mind just looses control...

Anti - Social Media

As a part of evolution, looks like we are on our way to becoming more social people... not that we have suddenly started bonding with our friends or interacting with our neighbours... but by simply sharing every possible event and non-event of our life on "social" media...  Be it Facebook, which seems to have successfully found means and ways to even ruin a special holiday by checking into the resort, or Linkedin, through which Microsoft seems to have taken on Facebook, and created a timeline of its own. What was once a professional network, and again become a sequence of posts.  Whatsapp seems to be the latest addition with its segment on latest status update. Despite creating the misnomer called being a "social" animal, as a society, we seem to be lonelier, more cut off from not just friends but even family. We claim to be extroverts, shouting out to the world, without realizing we aren't even capable of listening to ourselves most of the times. It is as


Haven't seen a more effective anti - smoking film !

Love and Being Loved

We were recently having an arbitrary conversation recently about who are our real loved ones, besides our parents/children. It was fairly amusing to see, as I deliberated on my choices, that my answers would have varied at different points in my life. The change can partly be attributed to the change in environment around us, and hence the different people around us, but it also has to do with the change in our interpretation on the concept called love and being loved. The only people who will probably steadily rank high on this list, despite time and age are our parents.

Choices and Aspirations

This is an important question... There is no right answer.. I think it is each woman to her own... Though they haven't provided the answer, Titan has managed to capture most of the thoughts growing in our minds... We all have our thoughts on what kind of parents we'd like to be... what all we'd aspire for our child, and what in turn we achieve ourselves... But in most cases, becoming parents (especially mothers) suddenly changes their lives where all hopes and aspirations are for the child, almost neglecting oneself...  I wonder what I'd do when the time comes !!

Words... Play...

We utter the words... and then bite our tongue... We often wish to ask a question... and then debate if it our place to pose the question... It is not always the courage... It is often behind the words, that often don't get uttered.... Hmmmm.....

Trials and Tribulations

The push.. The pull... The trial.. The failure... When the multiple unsuccessful attempts give you such a surge... I wonder what finally getting through would feel like !

What Women Want

You don't need magical powers like Mel Gibson What Women Want > to be able to hear what goes on in her mind. All it takes is sometime in the Ladies compartment of the Delhi Metro or Mumbai local. You'll find women of all shapes, sizes and ages giving their immediate neighbour a piece of their mind or brooding themselves. Eitherways, you'll know, and you won't even have a choice about it :)