

Recently watched Pink . I could go on and on about how everyone must must watch this movie, especially the current generation. Not to understand what are the do's and don'ts for nightlife for a women in Delhi. But to understand what is perceived, not just by strangers but even our peers. It left one with a numbing feeling that anyone could be trapped in the same way. And ironically one doesn't need to be naive either. Even a all knowing street smart person can get caught.  So what is the solution. Not just to avoid such "accidents" but also how to break the prejudices in peoples minds.  Education, clearly, isn't the answer, since I myself know well educated and groom post graduates suffering the same prejudices. The crux however remains, that each and every human being (not just males but females as well) needs to listen to and understand the meaning of these lines. "ना " सिर्फ़ एक  शब्द  नहीं अपने आप में  एक पूरा वाक्य हैं 

An Epitaph

you were here with us  and suddenly, we were grappling with different facts that the life you embraced with such joy and simplicity had deserted you somehow you smiled  throughout  whatever came your way in life you maintained your calm through all the pain and strife thoroughly enjoying everything from a Indian team cricket victory to a wedding with you, even a coke and hot chocolate fudge felt like a treat having discussed everything with you from politics to books we are now left wondering if we missed the opportunity to tell you in our lives, what for, you stood though we are left trying to pick up the pieces again we know you'd want us to enjoy life your way so we won't cry or add misery to our life ahead though we will always be wondering how it would've been if you hadn't left

The Myth called Equality

All of us talk about India being a progressive society. That we are catching up the "modern" world.  That women are now treated equally... or atleast will be. It is a good thought to pursue, since India is one of the few nations in the world where we have the existence of a matriarchal society, where the woman of the house has the right to property, money and business. Don't get me wrong, it is not about the money, but more a sense of power and rights, and the notional symbols attached to it by our society. Needless to say, in most cases, the woman is forced to fight for this right, despite being the care giver towards the later parts of life. And again, by woman, I don't necessarily mean daughter... it could well be the daughter-in-law who has been doing what it takes. But what good is all this power, when the same woman is beaten, raped in wide open streets, and then is told that she is at "fault" and is tainted... ironically due a crime committe