

History (from Greek ἱστορία - historia): "inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation" If we dwell deeper in the word, it brings out the past - the good, the bad, the ugly... and so, is a strong tool to develop opinions.... Needless to say, most poeple are "taught" history as children.... I remember pouring through books of history in school to scrape through my history test. However, almost 20 years later (goodness, its been very long !!), I realize that history should not be taught... poeple should be allowed to explore it for themselves, and the society should just provide the tools... to explore freely, whichever aspect we wish to... Though my liking for history stems from school, it is more due to my teacher, who acted like a narrator of the events that have gone by, rather than someone trying to preach a moral outcome.... school only touches the tip of the iceberg... History is unbound, and growing every moment... even as I write this blog...


Decisions are part of all our lives... Some are taken by others on our behalf... and for some, we manage to summon the courage to take the leap ourself... But each and every decision taken has a bearing on our circle of influence.... So when we take the plunge (I mean when we try and decide for ourselves), do these people figure in our consideration set at all.. And having said that, didn't we always dream of being independent people, where our mind and thought was free from any other constraints... 


What do you find easiest to concentrate on.... some would say god... some would say themselves... but somehow, whenever I make an attempt to concentrate on something is precisely the moment when my mind begins to wander.... Maybe our subconscious loves playing the Devil's Advocate...  trying to challenge us to not let us do what we have set out to do :) Isn't that the case always... for everything.... I wonder how people concentrate on anything ;)

Road Rationale

In our busy lives nowadays, we seem to spend most of our time in office, and the remaining time on the roads (driving, i mean)... Its interesting to observe how people react to different situations on the road... I've come to believe that it has a direct correlation with our actual behaviour (or maybe our closet behaviour)... For instance, what would be your instantaneous reaction when you see an ambulance, with a blowing siren coming behind you... don't bother clearing the passage for it - a  dumb ass who doesn't bother about rules, not even when it's a matter of life and death for someone else clear the way, and the immediately follow it - an opportunist who has found a  way to beat the traffic clear the passage, wait for it to pass by, and then proceed with wherever you were driving to - normal bahaviour (or so I thought) of a cool headed individual clear the passage, and remained on the sidelines - laid back individual, who is not bothered about pace Disclaimer


People like us, i mean those living in metros, have a tendency to seek calm and peace... we search for an environment that would soothe us... But most of us (or maybe all of us) tend to miss such gifts of nature right in our backyard... The early morning sunrise (though m sure all of us stake claim to having watched sunrise at a hill station :)) the twitter of birds (not celebrities!!) after sunrise the early morning dew, and the smell of grass wet because of it the smell of wet mud after the first rainfall in summer where are we when all this is happening..... neatly tucked in bed ?? or working in those concrete jungles?? Is it worth it????


Its appraisal time... so would enjoy appraisal of the blog too... So bring it on... The good, the bad, the ugly.... What should be changed, what should be retained.... Or should I just stop blogging and head to the Himalayas and make peace :)

Life Struggles

Interesting mail I received recently.... A man found a cocoon of an emperor moth. He took it home so that he could watch the moth come out of the cocoon. On the day a small opening appeared, he sat and watched the moth for several hours as the moth struggled to force the body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther. It just seemed to be stuck. Then the man, in his kindness, decided to help the moth, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The moth then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the moth because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened! In fact, the little moth spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled body and shriveled wings. It

Mind... Timeless

Wrinkled faces... young at heart... Youth rising.... antiquated thought.... Identity of age.... tautness of skin ?!? Beauty of age.... the spirit of the mind Lets just hope that as our body gathers the dust of age... our mind sheds all the age... after all there has to be a balance !!!


Most of us believe in signs... Signs people give.. Signs life decides to show us... So what does it mean, when in a single day, I almost ran over someone... almost fell from a staircase.... and then got jacked at work... I guess it means that I should treasure what I have, and not take it for a ride.... Or is it that I'm living life on the edge and could fall any moment.....

Gift of Life

I give you light..  I show the way.. I support you..  I melt away... Giving... is selfless.... Getting.. is unconditional... And it is equally important to appreciate both.... Afterall, you never know when you are on the other side...