

Khamoshiyaan gungunane lagi.. Tanhaiyaan muskurane lagi..

Selling !!!

An article i recently read got me thinking... ( ) What is it that education gives us.. we all strive for education, good quality education, from premier institutes of the world.. but what do we actually learn.. Hasn't our focus shifted totally, from content to the cover.. from substance to mere brands... isn't that what we are all chasing... Marketing and hard selling seem to have become such an integral part of our life, that we don't 'develop' a liking for anything that is not 'sold' to us... I guess "Beauty lies in substance" belongs to an old school of thought which ceases to exist in today's world... What is worse is our justification for the need of selling.. have we all stopped trusting our sense of judgement.. the judgement of identifying what is right without someone trying to create a bias for something.... What is it that propels this thought.. i am yet to comprehend...

Lets Party !!

Have you ever felt out of place in a party with your friends... That's just the way i felt today... and in some twisted way, i am resposible for it.. mayeb i didnt make the effort to enjoy myself.... Ironically, all of them enjoyed themselves...


I'd like to thank my stars for the kind of parents i have.. for the freedom they've always given me in deciding.. and showing faith in what i decide... I really don't know whom to thank for the way it is... but who ever it is that i should thank... THANK YOU !!!!

Think before you speak..

Learnt this today the hard way.. "It takes three years to learn how to use the tongue, but a lifetime to learn where and when to use appropriately."
We only see what we want to see...

Life - a fair deal ?

I don't know what hurts more... the thought that you deserved better.. or that someone who deserved good things in life didn't get anything at all... I know we all talk about life being fair to all... That we win some and we lose some.. But nothing hurts more than to see that someone less capable has shot ahead of you...

Brain Drain

We all talk about brain drain.. it seems to be the socially relevant thing to do.. But if it ccontinues this way, with reservations for different sections of the society, the bright people will definitely have to look out for alternatives universities/locations for education... The industry & the corporate world should take a firm stand on the issue... or they should forever be mum when they discuss availability of skilled manpower...

Celebrate 1 n all

What is a celebration. Is it the commemoration of a moment YOU wish to treasure, or is it an announcement to the world.

Oops.. they've done it again

So its elections season again.. And the government has decided to use reservations as the bait this time around.. After the prolonged debate... and public outrage... be it MBBS students and the public.. the government suddenly became silent on the whole issue.. and the people, especially students, became hopeful that there is justice.. there is hope... that equality is not restricted to reservations of seats but is about everyone getting a chance to compete openly, in the circumstances they are, without any external aid... But now that the elections are looming ahead, the government has decided that reservations is the solution... And we are back to trying to seek admission into a prestigious instutute, feeling at a disadvantage....