

We are all entitled to views.. perspectives.. about things... people... But what happens when these views slowly turn into prejudices.. without realizing, we begin judging, which the need of a judgement... It could be based on anything... gender... religion... faith... language... colour... just about anything... even something as trivial as how someone dresses... How do we control our thought...And not see everything through tinted glasses... It becomes so difficult to see the truth, to get past these thoughts & our ego, to see that we are wrong.. and someone else is right... Photo Source:


Memories are vicious things (and I don't necessarily mean in it in the negative sense)...  They are self absorbing.. make you forget reality... almost like a quagmire... Also, they are like the items kept in a Cupboard ...  If the cupboard stays locked up for too long, the minute you open it, a million thoughts keep flowing out... and we are just left recollecting old thoughts and worries... If we kept opening the cupboard once in a while, it would be well ventilated. Also, it would be easier to weed out and forget old worries, and make space for new memories. Needless to say there won't be a flurry of clothes tumbling down.. Afterall, our head has only that much space for memories, where we pack them all :)


Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values. ~ Ayn Rand

Horn ? Please !

If you are living in Delhi (or maybe any part of this country) and drive yourself to work... what do you to think is the single most persistent sound that you can hear (ofcourse, besides the non stop blabbering of your head !)... the Horn !! The ever so irritating sound, that just doesn't go as long as you are on the road... though the purpose of a horn is to alert people on the road if they are on the way (yes, yes.. that thing has a purpose)... it seems to be an indicator of our impatience, a bike howling its way on the road, or just mindless show off... After much thought, I feel that the best way to curb the unnecessary usage is by linking the horn with the usage of fuel... so everytime you go for your horn, you will also be loosing a drop of petrol.... Once the damn thing is not free to blow away, we will all be more thoughtful and mindful as to when to use it... And hopefully, in the future, we'll have a more peaceful drive to work and back home... sigh !!!! Pho


All of us dream when we sleep... Some dream about the days gone by, and the others navigate through time around the corner.. Of wishes fulfilled, and the ones left to accomplish.. Of love & life, hope & pain... But what if I told you that I wanted to break free from dreams.. That I didn't want to contemplate - neither the past nor the future... Would should I do ?

Life - Time

Found this in a book I just finished reading... says it all... "In the infinity of time, what is the span of human existence..." Photo Credits: My Husband :)


No moment is ordinary... each is unique and non-replacable... Infact, every moment we are spending cribbing, feeling disappointed, fighting over banal issues... we are wasting time on hand.. Life is like a clock moving backwards...  We rarely know when our time will be up...  Only the moments created are an infinite.... 

Balance ?!?

Waltzing through the day, I laughed at my life... I lie down at night, And the tears hit me...

Please Listen

What do you do when people are being very stubborn... So stubborn that they've stopped seeing anyone's perspective other than their own... When they try and convince you in every possible way that they are looking after your welfare.. but they don't see that they are doing as much harm... All you can do is try and be calm.. and wait for them to hear your plea... Not just hear, but listen to them... and understand.. what exactly we are saying !!! Source:


What happens when you suddenly break free... The realization that you were caged so far suddenly dawns upon you... As though... I was so used being in the cage, that I didn't know of a world beyond it... That the walls were where it all ended... But the most painful is when there is a creak in the wall, and you can see what you are missing out on...