
Guilt - Trap

Most of us feel guilty once in a while... if not most of the time... It would be interesting to dwell on the reason we feel guilty... If we look beyond what seems like an innocent emotion... we'll find that its a vicious thought our mind propagates in order to calm our conscience.... The inherent nature of the emotion is a cover-up.. and eyewash... for ourselves...

Dialogue with God ?!?

I have a specific complaint with Indians (pardon my targeting citizens of just the subcontinent... but here is where I've witnessed it !) Whether it is a bhajan/kirtan session.. a puja to celebrate a festival.... or a call for that day's namaaz ... or a sermon being given by a famous priest.. we have learnt to use microphones to the most....  It's as if we want to tell everyone around us what we are upto...  I always thought connecting with god, or atleast attempting to, was a very personal intimate thing... which is why it amazes me when all of us attempt to advertise these dialogues with god... I understand, that in today's world, everything needs publicity... from a tiny chewing gum to a man's ego... But I am always left wondering if the communication would have been more effective the other way... Afterall, how will you get peace of mind, when you are disturbing the peace in other people's lives..... PS: I am sorry if I hurt anyone's sentimen


All of us love our parents... But I doubt, if even once in our lifetime, we tell them how much we love them... ya ya.. I get it... that some things are understood, and need not be said... but once they start getting old... these are the things that keep them going... to know that they are loved... that we'll take care of them... Afterall, life comes a full circle.. from their holding our hand to walk... to us holding theirs....

The Shor in the Mind

Our mind is a funny thing.. Lapping everything up... But then, all it takes it the tide..  to change....   and  we start revealing some... concealing some... and then... sometimes things just show up.. on the shore... Photograph Source: Google Images

Show the World

I guess all of us have noticed the recent advertising Google is doing for itself... Needless to say it's trying to reinvent itself (again) through Plus... It just goes to show that the best of us need to showcase our abilities once in a while... Gone are the days when people try and take the time out to "notice" different new things... Now, one needs to showcase the different side, even if that means you take the most common way to tell the world !!

Split Personality

All of us have sides..  Is it the good.. the better.. and the best... or  Is it the good.. the bad.. and the ugly... PS: If you haven't already guessed.. this is one of the many masterpieces created by MC Escher . If this has intrigued you enough, you'll find more of his stuff here .

The Wrong Thing The Right Way

As far as I could remember, one would always wish to do things the right way... the underlying assumption was always that the way is being sought for doing the right things :) I guess doing things wrong doesn't need directions (unless you are seeking directions while circling the roads of delhi ;) But as things progress from the mono-colour world of black n white to the land of grey's.... discussions about "the right way for the wrong thing" shouldn't have come as a surprise... I mean... haven't we always known that there is only 1 unique right thing - right way combination... imagine the confusion in picking the "right" way to do the "wrong" thing... So if I had to choose simply, isn't it easier to pick the right thing - right way option... easy on the brain you know !!!

Hit in the Face

What happens if you are crossing the road and a bike suddenly rams into you.... Besides the fact that you'll probably be unconscious (or maybe you wish you are), what is the first thing that will come to your mind... Thank god I am alive !! But what happens if you've just witnessed someone getting rammed! Whats your first impulse ? Wonder what the sign means ?

Flattery or Praise

There is a fine line between praise and flattery... What sounds like music to our ears needn't always be true... But what if the words are well meant, and you think its flattery... What is worse... believing flattery.... or hurting someone you love... Where do we draw the line.... Or do pessimists always assume the worst !!!


History (from Greek ἱστορία - historia): "inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation" If we dwell deeper in the word, it brings out the past - the good, the bad, the ugly... and so, is a strong tool to develop opinions.... Needless to say, most poeple are "taught" history as children.... I remember pouring through books of history in school to scrape through my history test. However, almost 20 years later (goodness, its been very long !!), I realize that history should not be taught... poeple should be allowed to explore it for themselves, and the society should just provide the tools... to explore freely, whichever aspect we wish to... Though my liking for history stems from school, it is more due to my teacher, who acted like a narrator of the events that have gone by, rather than someone trying to preach a moral outcome.... school only touches the tip of the iceberg... History is unbound, and growing every moment... even as I write this blog...