
Showing posts from January, 2025

Eruptions !

We all have our pet peeves. And we all like things a certain way. Some habits are formed during the growing up years and others, we acquire over time. So it is but natural that we feel unhappy/discontent/frustrated when your partner/family is doing something in a different way. Trouble starts to brew however, when we don't share these thoughts and feedback, and just bottle it all up. This option leads to a sudden explosion of emotion when the tipping point is reached. Such bursts of emotion might be rare but are tougher to handle and sort out. Also it catches the other person almost unaware about all the bottled thoughts which could have been acted on at the relevant moment. Not saying that some of it is easy to digest , but getting feedback on a piece meal basis is definitely more effective than hearing what sounds like a volcano spewing lava !!!   Couldn't find a more befitting depiction. Credits: The Scream by Edvard Munch