
Showing posts from September, 2021

From a Distance

When one observes their own life from a distance, it will often make you wonder why we fuss so much. Life is so beautiful, each day, as it progresses... But we have a tendency to nit-pick in each and every situation. The distancing helps in developing a bird's eye view to the entire situation... Don't know if the distancing makes one detached, or helps refresh the connections... Either ways, it definitely provides a new perspective ! Reminds of this Song by Bette Midler From a distance the world looks blue and green, and the snow-capped mountains white. From a distance the ocean meets the stream, and the eagle takes to flight. From a distance, there is harmony, and it echoes through the land. It's the voice of hope, it's the voice of peace, it's the voice of every man. From a distance we all have enough, and no one is in need. And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease, no hungry mouths to feed. From a distance we are instruments marching in a common band. Play...

Happy Teachers Day

All of us need guidance.. throughout life.. When we are young, we are more accepting of what people have to say.. As we grow up, we build walls, which are porous in some places, and hard in others... we end up deflecting a lot of the well meant advise from our people... What we don't realize is that we keep learning, if we keep an open mind, at all times and ages, sometimes from the most unsuspecting people and situations... The best teachers are those who show you where to look But don't tell you what to see. ~ Alexandra K. Trenfor