

Life comes a full circle.. as much as we try and take shortcuts, detours...  What we give is what we get... Needless to say, we came into the world holding someone's hand, learning from what we saw... and we'll leave it, holding someone's hand, seeing the world, and wondering why they haven't learnt ! Photo Credit: Raghu Rai


Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. ~ Ayn Rand

India Shining !?!

I am a patriot.  I am proud of what our country has achieved so far, and think we have great things going for us.  But if the biggest factor going for us is people... the biggest factor going against is also the people of the nation. If we have the likes of Ratan Tata & Dr Anji Reddy, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw & Verghese Kurien, to name a few, who have showcased the ability of what an Indian is capable of... we also have a flip-side.  Whether it is corruption, illiteracy, female infanticide or crime, India figures among the few countries on top.  We never seem to think twice before strutting with pride on the mention of Tata or Kurien at any international forum. Then why does it take us so long to accept that we are the ones responsible for the worst as well. That WE need to take the initiative to move things towards the better...  That WE take it on ourselves to stop paying bribes, to educate everyone in our circle of influence, to be brave enough...


Family to me is not about blood, or just love... Family is about time spent, moments shared, issues discussed....  Participating & contributing in each others lives... Where you are allowed to make fun... but are never ridiculed... Where you might not have the last word on everything, but every word said counts...


Power attracts different reactions from different people... Some people get attracted to people with power... some prefer avoiding such people.... and there are the minority whose reaction doesn't change with the power a person has... There is a similar parallel for people with power... Anyway, what is power ? pow·er   [ pou -er ]  noun 1.   ability   to   do   or   act;   capability   of   doing   or   accomplishing   something. 2.  political   or   national   strength:   the   balance   of   power   in   Europe. 3.  great   or   marked   ability   to   do   or   act;   strength;   might;   force . 4.  the   possession   of   control   or   command   over   others;   authority;   ascendancy:   power   over   men's   minds. 5.  polit...

A Smile.. Free.. Priceless

We walk around life, like we have the entire world's burden on our shoulders.. as if we are facing the biggest problems & the toughest challenges... As a result, we talk too much, think a little lesser... and seldom smile... Even if our day isn't going well, it doesn't harm to make someone else's day more special :) Credit:

Elections 2014

With the General Elections due next year, one would have thought (or rather, hoped) that the political parties would be working in full swing, to prove their mettle, and show that they are worthy of making the next government. Unfortunately, most of them are spending their time pointing fingers at each other. Don't get me wrong, I am a strong believer of the fact that a strong democracy is only when we not only have a strong ruling party, but an equally strong opposition.... But the current scenario is such, where neither is ruling nor the opposition are worthy... as a result, a majority of their time is spent slinging mud at each other & proving themselves innocent & the opposition guilty... The irony is that, even in the most tragic events, be it the Uttarakhand flood or the Poisionous Mid Day meal in Bihar, all the parties are scrambling in the race of finger pointing... No one has used the opportunity for finding a solution/relief in the crisis.... As voters, t...

No Cricketomania

Living in a nation that loves cricket, and married in a household where everyone breathes cricket, I would've thought (or atleast hoped) that I'd come to love the game too. Instead, it has brought me to this ludicrous idea.  What if our the sport of cricket was banned in India for an year.... I know it is almost an impossible occurrence, but just humour me for a while... Besides bringing a smile on most teachers faces, who keep fuming over their class watching cricket matches and not studying, it might achieve much more.... It will definitely bring down the advertising cost on all channels at prime-time (since cricket has also become an almost daily source of prime-time entertainment). Other sports (which might provide similar excitement in smaller games), will finally see the light of the day or rather, will finally get a spot for telecast. With all the spot fixing and other controversies surrounding cricket, am hoping the black money in circulation through...

India - Engineering the "Engineers"

When we are 16, most of us are wondering what we want to do with our life (i mean careers here)...  Some of us find our calling by interest, some by force, and some just manage to dabble through different things and get there.... However, in India, one of the most "chosen" careers is that of an Engineer. Its almost a national hysteria - an admission in a good Engineering college. This phenomena has had a ripple effect.. The first being that now there a huge number of Engineering colleges (with little or no infrastructure whatsoever) which are full of students trying to soak in the practical aspects of science and technology... none of them realizing that they'll soon become a part of this ocean.. of Engineering graduates (i refuse to refer to the likes of us as Engineers!!! )... The second is the total ignorance towards the other lesser known career options, be it psychology, journalism, law, photography, medicine, architecture, design and the many others... A dire...


I am often forced to ask others (and myself) this question, when they fail to see what is not necessarily visible to the eye... The image is a dream. The beauty is real. Can you see the difference ? ~ Richard Bach, in Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah